cannonball online

Today is the day. Starting now, you can watch Cannonball online!

Now, here is how this works... you follow the link and you push play. End of story. No fees, no passwords, just 90 minutes of ha-ha's instantly with a click. Think of it as a rental. Except in this case, you only leave us a tip or donation if the movie was worth your time. A buck, five bucks, zero... it's your call. In any case, every dime we receive goes directly to making more short films, Space Cops episodes, and/or even another feature someday.

On the Vimeo page where you watched the movie, you'll see a Tip Jar buttonOr you can come back here and use the big orange DONATE button on the right side of the page. That button will take you to our Paypal. Either method works for us. If you really, really like it... by all means stop by our store page to order a Cannonball DVD. If you don't have any bucks to spare, we still want you to watch. You can do us a favor by sharing the link with everyone you know.

Cannonball took us roughly 10 years to produce, kids love it as much as adults, and I've never heard anyone say it was a waste of their time. Due to its age, it wasn't shot in glorious HD, but the jokes still work. So, kick back and enjoy 90 minutes with Tony, Lou, and the Bandit.